
This Blog shares archived QuestionItNow posts and conversations from other blogs. The idea is to provide examples of civil, intelligent discussions from various points of view. Feel free to add your voice fellow blogger.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Civil War or Religious War?


Rock said...
DTW 06, nice post on a great blog. You have analyzed in depth a very relevant problem. Thanks for your comments on my blog too.

Truth—The No Spin Politically Incorrect Zone
1:50 PM, December 02, 2006

Cal Trask said...
Difficult to tell... Today I read where Rummy took some parting shots at the way thing were being done. I think the biggest problem is that we really don't have a strategy now to do anything. I blame this on the entire leadership group of Congress and the President. The current group was swept out of office last month. Unfortunately, the group coming in doesn't have a unified viable plan either. Good Question: what do we do now?... Richard Nixon, where are you?

BTW just as a sticking point with me...WWII started in 1931 with the US getting in in China in April, 1937,when Claire L. Chennault and the AVG began supporting the CAF. IT ended with the US pulling out of Japan in 1952. Some will contend that it actually ended in 1972 when the last Japanese soldier Sgt. Shoichi Yokoi, was captured in Guam.
6:56 PM, December 03, 2006

DTW 06 said...
Thanks for visiting and for the complement. I found your blog via a "Google" search of "Iraq Civil War." You should cross post some of your stuff at Bring It On!

Interesting, I heard the news of us being in Iraq longer than WWII on multiple radio news broadcasts. A guy at work was saying the same thing about China and western Russia. But, weren't those small-scale incursions? Were these "official" US military operations?

Nixon is gone, but Kissinger is still lurking in the shadows.

Check out the Bring It On! link. This post has generated 32 comments.
10:20 PM, December 03, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Not Your Daddy's Democrats


Anonymous said...

Nor have they lived through a great depression or a World War. They have been born in the richest nation in the richest time in history. Current US poverty would be considered luxury in the 1930's and the 1940's. The question remains: Does this generation have the stomach to be a world power? Some feel that there is never a call to fight. Some feel that if it isn't effecting me personally then I can turn my head. Some feel that it's just "not my job". We are the fattest nation ever...while entire Continets burn with famine and genocide. We pay atheletes millions but research scientists have to beg and even lie in order to get funding. These are times when leaders are born and made. But are we strong enough? Are we the nation we say we are? Do we have the stomach to lead?

Are we so selfish to think that only WE matter?

Are we red and blue..or red white and blue...
10:49 PM, November 13, 2006

REB 84 said...

Well said anonymous.

It is a question of priorities. As George Carlin said we are very good at "blowing shit up!" Now lets see if we can put things back together again.

Its all a question of our priorities. We have the ability. Do we have the will?
7:45 PM, November 14, 2006

Cal Trask said...

Indeed Reb, Are we the polarized nation that the Media says we are? or are we the nation who can work together and get things done. Will the new Congress work with the President to invoke real and meaningfull change, or we be voting them out in 12 years like the we voted the Republicans out this time. This was a victory for the mainstream and the center. Hopefully things will start to happen soon.

BTW REB, I'm going to post something on the Ted Haggart Scandal on my blog soon. I'll let you know...
11:36 AM, November 15, 2006

REB 84 said...

Hello Cal,

I look forward to your post on Haggart. I will be happy to cross post it at QuestionItNow and Bring It On!

I have been pleasantly suprised with the civil talk coming from Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried, and even John Conyers. They know we are up to ours ears in problems at home and abroad.

The new Dems appear to realize the USA is in a crisis. They need to work with the President if anything is to be accomplished. I wonder if Bush/Cheney will play along?
11:42 PM, November 15, 2006

Ohiodem1 said...

Anonymous - I object to using poverty in the 1930's and '40's as the yardstick for how we measure poverty today. Kids in Harlem suffer the highest rate of Asthma anywhere in America, and perhaps the world, and the cause has been identified as cockroaches. The yardstick for measuring poverty in America today should be, what does it take to live safely, with food and shelter, and in good health? If these things are not in the posession of all of our people, then they are in poverty by today's standards. I do not buy that perspective argument.

Cal Trask - I think we are the polarized nation the media says wer are. The polarization is being fed by a belligerent right wing media machine whose goal right now appears to be one of doing all in its power to tear asunder any shred of bi-partisanship that the voters have demanded of our leaders.

Talkers on the left are not helping either.

The president is not helping either, and he seems intent on picking a fight with Congress, challenging the Democrats to be "obstructionist" by filibustering judicial candidates previously rejected by Congress, and some who were rejected in the Gang of 14 deal. Similarly, John Bolton, and several other idealog candidates for other positions in government. Despite concilitory words, his actions do not match the rhetoric. The Lame Duck congressional session appears to be set up for another partisan donnybrook. The American people have spoken, and they have had it with partisan gridlock. It does not appear that the president is working to change that.
1:36 PM, November 16, 2006

REB 84 said...


I find myself in a rare disagreement with you. I realize my disagreement is in perception, so this can neither be proven nor disproven. But I tend to believe that we are not as polarized as the media and the extreme talkers on the right or left would have us believe.

Dirty Dozen Defeated points to the success of the League of Conservation at targeting candidates for defeat who have a poor record on the environment. They also championed the cause of pro-environment, pro-health candidates and were very successful. This seems to indicate that average Americans want clean air to breath, safe food, and clean water.

Don't let big media fool you, 'We the People' are out in front of the talking heads and the candidates on so many issues. I strongly believe that blogs helped break down the BS that got us into Iraq. They also help to shape the argument. I know you did your part with How to Sell a War.

BTW - I just did a Google search of "How to Sell a War." Your PDF came in fourth out of 500. I would argue that your analysis of progaganda used from WWI to the present day is non-partisan. It concisely points out how the propagandist operates. This is valuable knowledge for any American, regardless of party affiliation.
10:20 PM, November 16, 2006

Will America Lead?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

This question is for Steve - by: OhioDem1

"…Your party claims to be the Party of Linclon. I believe Mr. Lincoln is spinning in his grave as his "party" plays this race card over and over again, all over America. It cannot be denied that this is coming straight from HQ, as many of these overtly racist ads end with the statement that 'The content of this ad is the responsibility of the National Republican Committee' (paraphrased).

Please think about this when you cast your secret ballot on November 7. OD1"

Cross Posted as "A Question for Republican Voters" Bring It On!

This answer from Steve

"I hope REB and the others don't mind me responding in a post as opposed to responding in a comment (I believe Ohiodem1 was looking for me to respond in this manner). I welcome the opportunity. My apologies for the length of the post, and I would have done one of those "display part, then click below the fold" type of posts, but don't know how to do it through Blogger.

I would like thank OD1 for his nice remarks about me and I believe that he and the other posters here are all decent and respectful people, and very good debaters. OK, enough from the mutual admiration society. ..."

Cross Posted as "A Republican Answer – from: Steve of IL" Bring It On!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Conservatism = Radicalism

Conservatism = Radicalism originally posted at QuestionItNow - Voices by OhioDem1 on 7/13/06 stimulated thirty-eight comments, by far the most of any QuestionItNow post this past year. This post demonstrated how definitions are often distorted and manipulated as a propaganda technique.

"Freedom is Slavery. Liberal is Radical, even though they espouse traditional conservative causes. Environmental protection is the support of Environmental Destruction. No Child is Left Behind is designed to Leave all Children behind and to destroy public education in America.

Today, Conservatism = Radicalism.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

9/11 - An Attack Against Humanity

Recently, I read a very interesting note on meetings between Iran, China, and Russia at misneach blog. I wonder why I haven’t seen this on Fox News? The strategic value of developing closer relationships is clear to see. For anyone who is paying attention.

China's rapid growth is fueling an insatiable appetite for Oil and many other resources. These include copper, scrap metals, and experts.

Russia is looking for any market to sell its products and services. Is Iran hiring any of its well educated population? Have they posted any want ads for a nuclear scientist? Shouldn't we know?

Meanwhile, America is over extended militarily and out of touch diplomatically. I am most saddened by the reckless disregard for diplomacy, civility, and sportsmanship the Bush Administration has displayed since 9/11/01. They have managed to pull defeat and division from the jaws of victory and cohesion.

The world mourned with us and for themselves after Sept. 11th. The attack on the World Trade Center was not only an attack upon America. It was an attack against all humanity. Citizens of far too many other countries died on 9/11 in NYC.

The other countries and thousands of families who lost loved ones at "ground zero" are fighting their own personal wars on terror everyday. Their lives have been changed forever. How dare we allow our "public servants" to exploit their sufferings to launch a preemptive war on Iraq, while not bringing Bin Laden to justice?


Sunday, July 30, 2006

Learn to Question

... On a positive note, I recently found a very interesting website This site is one example how the silent majority can learn how to ask questions. It's Propaganda Lessons section is good complementary reading to OhioDem1's How to Sell a War.

I am glad I found this site while Googling "question." It is encouraging to find fellow Americans who are taking positive actions to help wake up America.

Defend America
ask questions

posted by REB 84 at 6/30/2006 12:35:00 AM


These techniques work for any propaganda effort, the process is just tweaked a bit to match the goals of the campaign. A case in point is the war on Social Security which has been a Republican agenda since 1935.
By OhioDem1, at 12:59 AM, July 01, 2006

Hi Reb!

We have definitely fallen into the trap you described. I am not one, but many people were blind sided by Bush and his perverted religion and so called democracy. His new societal and world order will end in total disorder.

As for us Americans, I agree that we have stupidly relied on others(politicians) to take care of things for us and they stabbed us. I have been trying to wake people up since 9/11. I will check out that web site and thanks for the comment! Jim
By Jim, at 10:13 AM, July 01, 2006


Thanks for sending your comment to I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.

I found your "Bring It On!" site via a Google search of "We the People"

Have a great 4th of July!
By REB 84, at 10:15 AM, July 01, 2006

the lasting terrible effects of Bush's misadminisration. The problems here and around the world are just beginning. Watch! are just starting. watch!
By an average patriot, at 5:02 PM, July 05, 2006

We, all the world will pay for American complacancy at the polls and for trusting our Politicians to do our work for us. We have found out the hard way "we the people" are not a concern, and we and the world are in worse shape than most realize and it will get a lot worse.

Hey Reb that's pretty good you googled we the people and found me, funny, I guess I say that a lot. Just a note: we are no longer a government of the people, for the people, by the people, facilitated by society. We have in fact become a government of the politicians, for the weal;thy, by the legal system, facilitated by the media. We must get our America back and put "we the people" back in the equation!
By an average patriot, at 5:22 PM, July 05, 2006

"We the People" is what it is all about. Our hope is in restoring some sense of accountability, transparency, and oversight back into the American political system.

As I said earlier, it is also time to begin enforcing some anti-trust laws and break up some of the monoliths who are corrupting the American democratic system. We need greater independence from corporate control in this country.
By REB 84, at 6:23 PM, July 05, 2006

Friday, July 21, 2006

"I thought you were going to ask about the pig."

... Bush's third response takes the cake. In answering a pointed question about his take on the Isreali, Palestinian, Lebanon sitation our Supreme Leader stated, "I thought you were going to ask about the pig." With a stand-up routine like that, it appears our leader is auditioning for a comedy career. But, his jokes seem to be lost on the europeans. Not to worry. The hometown press usually laughs along with his "jokes." As Mel Brooks said, "Its good to be the king!" - [more]


Have Skunk said...

Hey! You got peanut buter in my chocolate...
The quote was too good to pass up for a headline. We'll hammer him from both ends.

Great minds think alike, I guess. ;-)
1:55 AM, July 15, 2006

Have Skunk
Have Skunk said...

And, checking out the title of your blog...Expect nothing from this administration. Condomleeza is a Soviet specialist and she's completely out of her depth dealing with this fast-moving middle east stuff.

The Israelis are just dancing around her in circles, like the mini-me to the Bush Junta, doing what they want, when they want, because they can.

The only leadership we can expect is in the direction of the next pig roast. This crew has nothing to gain politically from stability or peace anywhere on the planet. The chaos will keep people feeling anxious and easier to manipulate.
2:00 AM, July 15, 2006

REB 84 said...

Have Skunk,

Thank you for your comments.

If America is to lead, we need to change right now.

'08 is too late!

2:25 PM, July 20, 2006